Saudi hospitality

The Saudis are welcoming and friendly in general, and then sometimes you meet people who go out their way to show their true tradition of hospitality. Mohamed Abu Khaled from the Bin Attiya tribe in Wadi al-Deesah is such a man. He was heading home with family members and friends after a day out when I met him. He invited me for dinner and said I can stay overnight at his nearby farm. I was hesitant briefly, for logistical reasons, as I planned to visit the wadi early the next day, but then accepted the invitation. It turned out to be one of my most beautiful evenings in Saudi Arabia, with the familiar sense of a Bedouin dinner in the majlis, the communal area. Thank you Mohamed, and thanks to all the nice people I met during my Saudi trip! As for those who are considering a visit; just go, you will have a wonderful time and meet great people. 

The dinner 

Mohamed has a beautiful farm with lots of trees, palms, animals, and nice areas for visitors.

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