Hiking around Tabuk

 The city of Tabuk, boasting a population of approximately 600,000, sprawls across a desert plain at around 760 meters above sea level. This oasis town was a vital stop along caravan routes and the Hijaz Railway, but remnants of these times are few. They include the Prophet’s Mosque, Tabuk Castle, and the Old Hijaz Railway Station. The true wonders lie beyond Tabuk itself, showcasing a diverse landscape: surreal sandstone formations, lush wadis, volcanic highlands with conical hills, and the predominantly granitic high mountain region around northern Arabia’s tallest peak, Jabal al-Lawz. Some believe the “Real Mount Sinai” is also there. 

Wadi al-Deesah - Rock formations, stream, lush vegetation 

The most famous attraction around Tabuk is Wadi al-Deesah, a very picturesque place place, featuring a stream flowing through it, towering rock formations, and lush vegetation. Most people visit it by 4x4 vehicles to have fun, and locals offer rides with their off-road pickups for those who don't have their own. You can also walk the wadi and then return the same way (7 kms one way). 

Standing at 2122 meters, Jabal Shayban is the tallest mountain in the al-Deesah area. This is where the black volcanic plateau dotted with conical hills meets the red sandstone area below. The plateau stands high above Wadi al-Deesah and a dramatic long cliff runs along its edge. Flat-topped Jabal Shayban is located right at this plateau edge, offering stunning views of the volcanic highland as well as the sandstone hills of Wadi al-Deesa. 

In some way Wadi al-Aqlah is similar to Wadi al-Deesah, but it is also very different at the same time. There are water pools and cascades fed by a stream, lush vegetation, steep rock walls. However, the mountains are made of granite here, not sandstone. These ranges consist of smooth red rock faces and the wadi floor is also hard rock, not soft sand. The vegetation is also different. You find many trees like the wild fig that bears tiny black fruit, but no date palms. There is also an abundance of different herbs in the wadi next to the stream, including the wild mint, habaq

While it is most commonly accepted that the Biblical Mount Sinai, also known as Mount Horeb or Jabal Musa, is in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, there are religious scholars who claim the holy mountain is actually in Saudi Arabia. This belief is also part of the local folklore and you can find several sites associated with the Exodus. According to those who claim Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia, it is the mountain known as Jabal Maqla. 

Go to: Riyadh | Abha | Najran Bisha | Taif | Medina | Al-Ula | Tabuk 

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